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Setting Up a Recycling Program at Home

12 Sep Posted by in Recycle | Comments

“Life Ring”~ Recycled plastics and metal ~ 2 of 6 photos
Image by Urban Woodswalker
By Mary Anne Enriquez / Urban Woodswalker, 2010

I plan to wear this ring to art openings, and special functions…it fits 4 of my fingers perfectly.

The ring is very comfortable to wear, and creates public conversations about the state of our environment, and the plastic debris harming the oceans. This ring is part of an entire fashion ensemble I am creating called "Mary’s Garden." The ensemble will be made out of 90% or more recycled materials….mostly plastics.

Ring measures 7 cm tall x 6 cm wide.

Nothing purchased…everything found, or in my studio.
I created this ring out of the following materials:

1 large soup can aluminum pull tab
a vintage yellow cap from a bead holder tube
1 green PET soda bottle
1 clear PET soda bottle
1 red coffee stirrer straw,
industrial adhesive
sharpie markers
metallic acrylic paint

See next photo…

Setting Up a Recycling Program at Home

There is a huge need for recycling to be done at home.  For one, households are major consumers of goods as well as major producers of wastes.  A good part of the garbage that is brought to the landfills comes from households.

But that is just one thing.  Just like in anything, children learn their most important life lessons at home.  In order to reinforce the need for our society to pursue recycling actively and to encourage the next generation to do that as well, kids should be taught to recycle at home.

The Importance of Recycling

Why do we need to recycle household wastes?  We have all heard different kinds of arguments as to why recycling should be done in various media, but in summary, here are the four reasons why recycling is important.

Recycling saves our natural resources.  Many household wastes are made up of plastics, wood products, metallic products, Styrofoam and other such products.  These materials are created from natural resources such as wood, metal and petroleum.  Our planet’s natural resources are limited and can be depleted.  Recycling and reusing these products can extend the use of these materials.

Recycling reduces pollution.  There are many household wastes that are non-biodegradable.  Otherwise, they contain chemicals that can be harmful.  When non-biodegradable materials end up in a landfill, they stay there for years and years.  If they have chemicals, these chemicals can seep into the soil and pollute ground water.  In some places, non-biodegradable materials are burned, and such an activity is a source of pollution.

Recycling saves up on space occupied by landfills.  With the amount of garbage that households produce, it is becoming a problem where to put them.  Landfills are not capable of accommodating the volumes of waste that our modern society produces.  We do not exactly have other viable options to address the shrinking landfills, and creating new ones always pose another problem.

How Recycling Programs at Home Work

Recycling at home is a very simple process, but it takes work to maintain it and get it done consistently.  The key to a good recycling program at home is consistency.

Here are tips on how to set up recycling at home.

Pick a place at your home where it is most convenient for all the household members to do their recycling.  It could be the garage or the patio, or any place in your home that is not out of the way for anyone.  Set up that place so that it is easy to clean and to gather the recyclable materials.  Assign a separate receptacle for each type of recyclable: paper, metallic objects, cardboard, glass and plastics even printer ink cartridges.

Do you wish to donate your recyclables?  Do you wish them to be collected by a franchised hauler?  Or do you want to be paid back for your recyclables?  Whatever decision you make on this one will affect how your recyclables will be collected or disposed of.

Again, recycling at home should be maintained consistently.  It is the only way for it to be successful.

John C. Arkin, the contributor of Printer Ink Cartridges & Toner Ink Cartridges. More information on the subject is at Setting Up a Recycling Program at Home, and related resources can be found at recycling ink cartridges.

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